Friday, August 19, 2011

Hello There!!!

Today I have chatted with my aunt, let me tell you something about her. She is one of the most wonderful person that I know, but right now she's going through a lot because she has breast cancer. But i have learnt something from her, that even tho there's a black cloud above you, there's always a reason to smile. I can't tell you with simple words how strong she is and how her faith in God has helped her a lot. Sometimes I'm waiting for the next panic attack and she's looking forward to say something to make people smile. It just awesome to see how a person that is going through pain is still joking and loving life and loving people. I feel so blessed to have her in my life.....So if she can still smile and joke living with all of this, we can do more my friends, let's love life and try to get rid of this panics attacks, WE CAN DO IT.

We can keep our heads above the water we feel sometimes is covering us...So let's keep working in our recuperation and never give up. We might have a set back, but doesn't mean we can't go do more.

I love you all and don't forget that God is good all the time, even tho sometimes it seems He's not with us, the closer He is. He promised He will never leaves us and I'm sure of that.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Possitive thinking against Negative thoughss.

This time, I want to talk to you about when you have negative thoughts, they will come and go a lot and mostly when we're feeling bad, you will think the worst thing is going to happen, so in that moment I want you to sit down, breath and think that everything is going to be ok, that you are a strong and beautiful person and then repeat I am ok because God is with me. I'm telling you the first thing that comes to my mind when I'm having a panic attack is how to end all of this and the first think I get is a negative though which I switch for something possitive and I do what I just told you before. This verse that I will give you help me a lot when I'm having those bad thoughs. And of course seek professional help is important.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26.3....
Keep your life in peace will help you, don't live anything to make you give up. If we persevere we will reach our goal and is TO GET RID OF ALL THIS CONDITION.
I love you all. And I'm here for you.

Im back and going strong.

I know I haven't been back for a while, but it's been a long journey. Somedays I feel great and somedays i don't. I don't know if I told you that I'm living in this country (USA) for the past 5 years and that I'm married with a great husband, but I miss my family in Colombia too. For all of you who suffer the same condition, I want you to know that is not easy but we can overcome all of this, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Just please don't give up, keep on working on it. Something that helps me a lot is praying and knowing that even thogh I'm going trough all of this, God is always next to me.

For all of you out there, remember that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I have 3 tips for you. 1. Praying 2. Faith 3. And the most important God is with you.
I know you might think that there's no hope, but I can tell you that hope is what we all have, I'd been dealing with this for about 4 years now, but there's nothing impossible to do. So please stay strong. And if you need to talk with someone, feel free to contact me.
Another thing that I can say is that you will find people who will call you crazy but YOU ARE NOT. Some people won't understand because they don't feel what we feel, but keep on thinking how brave you are to go through all of this, because if we weren't strong, we wouldn't be able to continue.